Thank you. The experience has not only been a place to learn basketball skills but a journey of self-discovery and personal growth for my daughter. Every effort and laughter will become a valuable memory. I am looking forward to the next edition in #Malaga.


Good afternoon Anicet, I just wanted to thank you for the effort you are making so that the children acquire tools that will help them to continue growing and enjoying this magnificent sport.
It is a pleasure to be part of it. Adrián is thrilled for another year, and he cannot get enough !!!!
Yours truly.



Thank you ever so much for all that “you do for my daughter… She admires you the most!! Always looking for your advice” . 

Katy D.

“Anicet, Thank you very much. I am telling you that Andrés is super motivated and very happy. We are very grateful for all you are doing for the kids”

Hector V.


Good night Anicet!

Nacho’s father just called us to have Andrés go up to Madrid and we told him whether he wanted to come down to Málaga to go to your camp and he said that he is catching the train right early tomorrow morning and he’s coming.

Tell me please whether the is still a spot open for him to register asap tomorrow and start the day after”.

Hector V. 


” Good morning Anicet. Wow! What an evolution. This is great. Grande Ani.

Thank you for everything”

Luis M. M.


“The ladies had a blast. Thnk you so much for counting on us for the camp, and I wish you all the bestr “

Pepa M. 


“I really liked the shooting skills drills. Very useful and practical”

Antonio R. 



” Thank you. It has been a special momento for the Boys and girls.  Congratulations for the seeds you are planting”

Dr Fernando R. 


” Congratulations on the work accomplished. Now a well deserved rest for tomorrow. Big hug”



” What a great work you do my friend. When are we going to an event together”

Guillermo V.


” Very excited with the camp by @Asissportspain and @elfarodemeiras, the #kids worked hard, enjoyed themselves a lot, learned more and made new Friends. If at all posible we’ll definitely see each other next year, thanks Anicet”.

Angel  V.


” Congratulations for all you’ve accomplished, Anicet. Very happy that it all turned out so well  “

Emilio G.


” Thank you for everything champ. You are a dream come true. Thank you for counting on us for the clsoing event of your V Skills Training Camp. It was an honor for us to have people like you on our side. Hopefully we can do more things together !!! Big big and tall hugs”

Miguel M. 


” ANICET LAVODRAMA is #Basketball and guarantee of #JobWellDone. Congratulations ! @elfarodemeiras @Asissportspain”

Julio G. 


” This is brilliant. I miss everyone there. Wonderful people.”

Pedja K. 


Juan Luis. C.

By the way, I could not go on the last day of the skills camp. Thank you so much for the camp. Our son came home very happy.

Susana R.

Good morning 😃 I am very happy with the camp. Having a group of young people of those ages is never easy. In any case , with you teaching them, they are delighted .
And by the way, very good the slow motion video of Cris 😂😂😂😂😂

Coach Jose Maria Martín Urbano

Thank you very much. It was a pleasure and an honor for me. Hugs.

Blanca L. S.

Thank you for having supported me all the time. Thabk you for always getting a smile out of me. Thank you for your perpetual humor. Thank you for the jokes. In all Thank you for EVERYTHING !!


Muchas gracias Anicet, I truly enjoyed it and am thankful for the words you have written about me . Very professional and good work of Asissportspain!!!!

Quique (Enrique) Fernández

Good morning. Again thank you so much. Jakub is very happy and super excited with all of the training sessions
Thank you for giving him the opportunity.


Let me tell you that it has been a pleasure. She loved it .. ????
Thank you so much, I believe that it was spot on for her, and she will make good use of it


Thank you coaches @elfarodemeiras @PKrneta and all the staff. A pleasure enjoying basketball in Málaga with you! cc @Asissportspain

Luis García @luiiski2 (Vía Twitter)

Infinitely grateful for what Carlos has learned and he was always extatic enjoying himself. The educational value of sports is incalculable. Awesome Anicet.

@cancamalaguista (vía Twitter)


”15 days accomplished that this young lady shoots to the basket like this !! @elfarodemeiras incredíble the progression of this “Mini”. Congratulations”

WhatsApp Image 2017-07-29 at 21.01.10

Wonderful.. really, my congratulations!! And I will not miss it for the world next year!!

Indeed, it’s Paula.. the truth is that for having trained with older boys and girls did really benefit her.. She lost the timidity she had and has been one of the best three of the tournament.. since I trained her this whole year, I have observed a notable change in her. Next year I cannot miss your camp.

Diego C.  (Entrenador y Fotógrafo en Vilagarcía).

Anicet, thank you for creating a world where each person has the opportunity to grow. #CognitiveTraining #Vilagarcia

@showbasket (vía Instagram)

Thank you for letting us get to know you.

@tatyoliveira5 (vía Instagram)

Thank you for your effort and work with our children.

@lolybrsi (vía Instagram)

Thank you to Anicet and Juan to have made these 12 days unforgettable, for having done so the kids enjoyed of their passion while learning and making them grow and mature a little bit more. #Welovethisgame.

@siinabejon (vía Instagram)

Shooting Skills Clínic with JM Margall in Gran Canaria

Thank you very much Anicet.!!
We’re all doing well and I hope likewise for you guys.
I will give the technical report to María so that she may continue working all the details she needs to focus on. I hope she stays in basketball for a long time as she enjoys it very much.
Thank you very much for the technical report and all the advices you provided..



Thank you ver much dear friend,

We are ver happy for the work done with Ada


Juan Carlos and Ada

Hi Anicet. Thank you for the information. As I mentionned to you over the phone, I cannot find the video of the drills. If you could be so kind as to forward them to me I would appreciate it, The coaches are asking for it to implement them in their training sessions.
Thank you very much

Un saludo


Moncho Monsalve

Anicet, it is fantastic what you guys are doing with youth development basketball; in spite of the great protagonism that many of the national teams – boys and girls- have enjoyed ( those are the elite, in their ages…12-16), but I believe that it is not enough. I have always thought that specific individual skills training, aimed at a game with more freedom, providing space for iniciative, improvization, etc.. developping the talent is my vision on the improvement of the game through the individual improvement. I believe that the Methodology of the Teaching and of the Training Technique is the KEY to the improvement of our game.

Again, CONGRATULATIONS for this work; I hope you never abandon it. Big hug to the all GROUP.

Moncho Monsalve

Clínic Santa Brígida Encestando 2016

Clínic Técnico de Tiro Santa Brígida 2016

Thank you so much for eveything. They left wanting more,; so you will have to repeat this.


Nayra B. C.

Thank you very much for adding so much to Fernando’s training!

We are very happy to have shared those moments with you. My husband and I enjoyed your playing days, and we never could imagine gretting you and our son learning from you during one week.

Thank you for being so close to Fernando. He also names you a lot and has leatrned more things from that goes beyond basketball.

A thousand thanks!

Marga G.

Good evening

Thank you for the videos.



Good evening

Thank you so much for the video, and I already downloaded it so my son Samuel will analyse it.

Congratulations for the camp and the organization

Warm regards and looking forward to the next.

Carmelo T.